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by Kate Bilbrough Holistic Therapist

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Cupping Therapy

As part of our natural therapy offerings, we encourage you to benefit from our range of treatments using fire and dry cupping, and Chinese cupping.
We provide all of these services on site in Rugby at ul. Clifton Road or it is also possible to travel to the client's location and perform the service at your home.

You do not have to choose one treatment method because during the session we will select the appropriate cups for your needs, and in many cases we use several methods to best meet your needs.

What can Cupping help you with?

  • Deep tissue massage

  • Pain relief

  • Inflammation

  • Blood flow

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Chest congestion

  • Chills and fever

  • Colds and flu

  • Relaxation and well-being

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Cellulite

  • Chest Infections

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Joint pain

Fire Glass Cupping

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Dry cupping

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Cupping massage

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Anti cellulite massage

Cupping Therapy session includes:

  • Manual massage

  • Cupping Massage

  • Fire-glass cupping/Dry Cupping on your back to release any tension or pain and relax your whole body.


we can  apply Castor Oil Compress, which  will support detoxification, reduce inflammation, decrease joint pain and reduce stress.

to finalise Holistic treatment we can also include Guided Meditation - Hypnotherapy session to release your stress and anxiety.

What is involved in a cupping session?

1. The treatment takes about an hour. It begins with an initial manual massage. Cupping cups are then left on the patient's body in appropriate places for about 20 minutes. After this time, the cups are removed and the tissues are massaged again.


2. After the visit, it is a good idea to put on warm clothes and go straight home to rest. That's why we also offer this treatment at your home.


3. Do not plan any physical work, training, etc. on the day of the procedure.


4. After cupping therapy, purple spots remain on the body, which may last for about a week.


5. The therapy is not painful, on the contrary, it has a very relaxing effect, so after the treatment you may feel tired and sleepy.

Fire Glass Cupping

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Applying cupping is an old and proven method of natural medicine. It involves creating a vacuum with a local effect. It causes micro-injuries under the skin, ruptures of small blood vessels and extravasation of blood. This results in a reaction of the immune system that is immediately activated.

As a result, the following occurs:

  • dilatation of vessels, and therefore better blood supply and tissue nutrition,

  • cleansing of digest system,

  • deacidification and oxygenation of the body,

  • reducing the tension of smooth muscles of organs,

  • stimulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, which regulates the functioning of organs and tissues.

The benefits of cupping therapy are invaluable in both treatment and prevention. They are used for bronchitis, pneumonia, flu, seasonal colds, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and bronchial asthma. As part of disease prevention, it is possible to increase immunity as well as cleanse the body of toxins.

It works by creating a vacuum with a local effect. This causes micro-injuries under the skin, rupture of small blood vessels and extravasation of blood. This requires a response from the immune system, which is immediately activated. It behaves similarly to the fight against pathogens. Additionally, the nerve endings are irritated, which also has an impact on the body.

Dry cupping improves blood circulation. This happens because some of the tissue is sucked into the vessel. Thanks to this, more oxygen and nutrients reach the cells, which supports their regeneration. Blood vessels often burst, which is why after the treatment bruises are visible in the area where the cups were placed. It is also believed that cupping can accelerate the removal of toxins from the body. This is due to the previously mentioned improvement in circulation and strengthening of the immune system.


Cupping can be used by both healthy and sick people.


Fireless cupping as an effective method of combating pain

This type of treatments can also be used in pain therapy. It is believed that this is caused by discomfort in the place where the negative pressure occurs. As a result, unpleasant sensations in damaged tissues are reduced. Improved circulation also promotes faster regeneration.

Dry Cupping

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Cupping Massage

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Cupping massage is based on the method of vacuum suction of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The negative pressure created in the cup by removing air from it causes the skin and tissues lying under the cup to be sucked in, causing intense congestion and a marked improvement in the condition of the skin.


Dilation of blood vessels and adequate blood supply result in better tissue nourishment, which prevents the formation of cellulite.


During the treatment, the metabolism is accelerated, which in turn reduces fat tissue and cleanses the skin of toxins. It acts as lymphatic drainage. It brings visible results in a short time.


Cupping is also helpful in asthma, colds and other respiratory diseases, thanks to which we recover faster.


During our Holistic therapy we do not use it on its own but it is a part of treatment to relax muscles and prepare it before Fire or dry cupping. Cupping massage is also used in Anti cellulite sessions on your thighs.

Anti-cellulite massage is performed using silicone cups.

This treatment differs from the others in that it is performed not on the back but on the thighs and buttocks.

Firstly, we do a scrubbing massage, then a silicone massage.

Finally, we wrap the thighs in foil with a compress of castor oil or anti-cellulite balm.

We always perform anti-cellulite leg massage while sitting/lying, never standing.

We do not do cupping massage when we have a cold or inflammation in our body. People with varicose veins and pregnant women cannot have cupping massage.

Cellulite is a non-inflammatory degenerative process that causes changes in the structure of subcutaneous and fatty tissue, as well as causing blood and lymph circulation disorders. This causes symptoms in the form of characteristic wrinkles and thickening of the skin (so-called orange peel), enlarged pores, swelling of the epidermis and irregularities in skin tension.Cellulite appears much more often in women - on the thighs, buttocks, belly and torso.


The causes of its occurrence have not been clearly established. It is believed that the development of cellulite is influenced by, among others: hormonal activity (mainly estrogen), genetic predisposition, lack of physical activity, incorrect diet and even chronic stress. 

Anti Cellulite Massage

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  • Cupping Therapy session -£35 - 30 min

  • Castor oil Compress  (after cupping)- £15 - 1 h

  • Anticellulite Massage - £45 - 1.20h

               includes Castor oil Compress

  • Home service - £5 Rugby area (further away individually negotiate)

Home Service is FREE when there is more than one service or client at one visit.



  • ​Package of 3 Cupping Therapy sessions - £90

  • Package of 5 Cupping Therapy sessions - £120

  • Package of  3 Anticellulite Massages - £120

  • Package of  5 Anticellulite Massages - £180

We can also combine it with Hypnotherapy sessions.

Book nowand pay only £15 depositfor any service

After the session you can decide if you want just one session or the whole package.

Nie znaleźliśmy tego, czego szukasz

Wygląda na to, że nie ma jeszcze usługi do zarezerwowania. Skontaktuj się z nami, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.

Who cannot have cupping:

  • Inflammatory skin changes

  • Fragility of blood vessels, tendency to subcutaneous hemorrhages

  • Bleeding disorders (poor blood clotting syndromes, e.g. hemophilia)

  • Shortness of breath (e.g. status asthmaticus, respiratory and/or circulatory failure)

  • Autoimmune diseases (so-called autoimmune diseases)

  • Multiple sclerosis in the period of a new attack

  • Anemia and states of general cachexia

  • High fever (above 38.5°C)

  • Unstabilized arterial hypertension with systolic blood pressure > 200 mmHg

  • Active cancer

  • Tuberculosis

  • Epilepsy,

  • Tendency to burst veins,

  • Circulatory failure, e.g. varicose veins

  • Heart defects,

  • Pregnancy

  • Age over 80.

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